« All solutions « Automated sorting systems
Crosstrack sorter
Metal fingers sorting system
Sorting capacity
3.500 items / hr
Max item dimensions
< 650 x 450 x 400 mm
< 15 kg
Product range
Cartons, bags,
large envelopes
Crosstrack sorter is especially appropriate for companies sorting medium to large items. Due to its compact design and bi-directional (left-right) sorting, we maximize the number of exits in a small footprint.
The concept of the sorter revolves around metal fingers that pop up between the roller belts of a conveyor. These fingers divert items to stations on the left or right side. Due to it’s robust and minimalist design, it requires minimal maintenance and is very easy to operate.
Cartons, bags and envelopes
Product dimensions
Min: 150 x 150 x 10 mm
Max: 650 x 450 x 400 mm
Product weight
Min: 0,1 kg
Max: 15 kg